October 3, 2008

Unfinished Portrait

A few days ago, my Hermana Luivette Resto, released her first collection of poetry, Unfinished Portrait. It is a collection seven years in the making and documents her evolution, literary and personal. Lu and I met as pre-frosh at Cornell University in the summer of 1995. After a fight in '96 (*wink*) we were bonded for life.  

She is one of my greatest cheerleaders, critics and fellow writers. I am immensely proud of the words she has put out into the world. It's just the beginning but I encourage you to check out her work, her site, and get a copy of the book

Cheers to you Ms. Ilanisiw, I can't wait to join you on the shelf. But you'll always be "The Illest." =)

October 1, 2008

Sarah Palin was soooo NOT journalism major

I haven't sounded off on my opinions about Election '08 because I've been waiting for something to strike a chord in me but I felt like this one just took the cake. 

Aside from thinking that Sarah Palin as a VP nomination on the Republican ticket is an afront to women....

Aside from thinking that her choice to belittle Obama's community organizing roots (which are in fact the factors that clinched my support for him) 

Aside thinking that she's just an attractive window dressing with little substance or record to speak of...

Aside from thinking that she's in articulate (I listened to the audio from her interview with Katie Couric where she couldn't answer a single question with a legible response)...

This little diddy right here, takes the cake. The woman who was allegedly a journalism major in college, can't even name a news outlet where she gets her information from.....poor.