Rise Above
All that has been said, and continues to be said, about who you are or aren't
Rise Above
Knowing that the world stands with you, waiting to lift you above broken sidewalkes
"A nation accustomed to misery..."
Not what Touissant or Dessalines ever imagined when they fought to get you from beneath oppressors thumbs
Rise above
Petty differences, stereotypes and misgivings
to send love, light and positivity
Rise above
Those that don’t understand or believe you “deserve” this for you chose not to stand about being ruled by people who saw you as property
Pat Robertson can suck my nuts
There was no deal with the devil
Perhaps with Bondye and the Loa and Papa Legba
who pledged to protect as long as you served
But human frailty and pride and greed overruled all
But none of that matters now
not when the ground opens and swallows people, or
leaves others trapped beneath the earth
and still many more swept away to the skies
My heart breaks to look at babies snatched before life ever started
The pain and suffering so many endure in a land that is completely theirs
Rise above
While others pull you up from beneath slabs, sand and stone
to stand in sunlight instead of being cloaked by darkness
Now and always