January 18, 2006

The things I do for friends

So I've been tagged...apparently there's some type of blog "game" I'm unfamiliar with that my bro' down in the A wants me to play. Since I love him dearly and recognize I've been neglecting my blog (I am embarassed to say that it's been more than two weeks since I've written) I've taken up the challenge since I found the topic funny and interesting enough to keep myself and whoever reads this amused. The topic is "Five Weird Habits" and so I'm sharing what my own weird (or as I prefer to call them eccentric) habits and idiosyncrasies are. No judgements here people:

1) I eat perogies (for those that don't know, these are Polish potato pockets that you boil and fry in butter) by cutting off the outter layer first, eating the potato inside second, and then eating the outter layer and pocket itself. I know it sounds really gross, but in my mind it makes sense.

2) I can't stand seeing the outter rim of a sink covered with water so I am constantly wiping down my kitchen and bathroom sinks dry.

3) I rub my feet together like a cricket when I can't fall asleep. It keeps me warm and knocks me out in a hot second.

4) I'm obsessed with grooming my eyebrows. I constantly tweeze them, no matter how much time I do or don't have.

5) I constantly crack my knuckles even though I am really scared of developing arthritis (is that even true?)

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