Laying awake in my bed this morning, I listened to rain on my windows and relished the fact that I got to sleep in on my 32nd birthday. My typical morning ritual of recounting my lessons, my goals and blessings, is somewhat different since I decided to start a day early. And rather than just think about or consider those things, I decided to recount what I'm most thankful for this year. Mostly because of how hard it was. I had serious milestones, unexpected and wonderful high's along with heartbreaking lows. I doubted myself, I questioned my purpose and I even allowed it to bring me down at certain points. But I recognize how fortunate I am to have the things, people and experiences that I have in my life. Without them, I would not be the resilient woman I am (like a basketball I always bounce back). So I am focusing on the positives that uplifted my life through this trying year and using them as a source of power and strength for the new one. (I say this because my birthday is my 'new year' versus the calendar one). Enjoy...
I am thankful for:
1* My patience which is infinitely greater than I ever realized. It grows a little stronger everyday and I couldn't get through without it.
2* My mami Rosa and my papi Willie for raising me the way they wanted to, not the way they were expected to.
3* My brothers Will and Alex for being bedrocks of knowledge, laughter, and ninja-like strength. They were p.i.t.a.'s too, but I'm focusing on the positives here people...
4* My BFF Mel. She shares my core like a split apart. Which explains why we've had each other's back for 20 years and counting...
5* The universe for bringing me my partner. Eight years after we met, we came together at exactly the time we were meant to and ready to be in each other's lives.
6* My Angel. For being who he is and teaching me so much about life and love and partnerships. I love you PB.
7* My humility. It reminds me of how much I don't know and how much I want to know.
8* My late blooming. I don't think I would have appreciated/enjoyed my life and its experiences if it had been thrown at me all at once or I tried to rush through it.
9* My sensitivity. It colors everything I see and do. It makes me infinitely more humane and empathetic. That is truly priceless.
10* My little daily lessons that remind me that I know nothing/everything/something.
11* The protection and love of the orishas, mi ile, my elders and especially that of my padrinos.
12* For ride-or-die-know-me-and-still-like-me-double-digit/two-hand-friends that I've grown with.
13* The so bad they're good for me treats that I can't live without: cupcakes, french fries, sangria...
14* Thoughtful people who understand the world is bigger than they are and their contribution is but a small piece of the greater whole.
15* Intellect; my own and that of others.
16* Chase the Bear.
17* Conversations with thought provoking people. It keeps my brain moving and creativity flowing.
18* Rediscovering books I once loved and those I've never read.
19* Finding old friends (there are many from various times in my life) who I can reconnect with effortlessly no matter how much time has passed since we've seen or spoken to one another.
20* A good red wine
21* Splurging on meals that cost more than they should. Something about eating and enjoying different tastes reminds me that life is here to be enjoyed.
22* My many families (blood, spiritual, chosen)
23* My CC's
24* Unconditional love
25* My inquisitiveness. It is what pushes me to question and ask questions.
26* A great mani-pedi. Nothing like your digits and tootsies looking stellar. And the massage that comes with each doesn't hurt.
27* Knowing that what I want isn't always what I need.
28* Laughter because it cures everything.
29* Silence
30* Music
31* Another year that I can look back upon and be grateful to have lived
32* The gift of using/shaping/sharing words. Without it I would be lost.
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